Meaning Integration and Grief Trajectories Within in the First Two Years Among Chinese: Latent Growth Modeling
Psychodrama group psychotherapy as an effective treatment for PTSD and depression in inpatient substance use treatment: a mixed methods study
Health-Oriented Strategy for Clean Air and Climate Actions: Differential Health Effects of Atmospheric Components
Assessing Policy Impacts on Chronic Disease Risk Reduction: The Science and Art of Policy Rating Systems
Taking action for Athlete wellbeing: strengthening psychosocial support through interactive group work
Social-touch and self-touch differ in hemodynamic response in the prefrontal cortex – a fNIRS study conducted during the coronavirus pandemic
Body, belief, and postpartum recovery: perceptions of exercise, body image, and postpartum wellbeing amongst ultra-Orthodox women
Pair bond quality influences social conditioned place preference expression, passive coping behavior, and central oxytocin receptor expression following partner loss in male prairie voles
The impact of social isolation on depression-like behavior in carioca high- and low-conditioned freezing rats
The Mental Health of Sexual Minority Individuals: Five Explanatory Theories and Their Implications for Intervention and Future Research
Collaborative working with Parents of Children with DLD in Speech and Language Therapy: Identifying Dutch Speech and Language Therapists’ barriers to enhancing practice
‘A trip organised for children is not a serious matter’? Summer treatment camps for the Belgian-German borderlands (1919-1939)
Empirical Approaches to the Rule of Law: Contours and Challenges of a Social Science That Does Not Quite Yet Exist
The Military Turn in Comparative Constitutional Law: Constitutions and the Military in Authoritarian Regimes
Coparenting perceptions of (Grand)parents and associations with demographic characteristics and early adolescent problem behavior in China
Inspired to be transformational: The interplay between employee voice type and manager construal level
Individual and socio-psychological characteristics as predictors of physical activity among men living with overweight and obesity taking part in the Aussie Fans in Training weight management behaviour change programme
Reorienting Through the Body: The Correlation Among Self-Transcendent Emotion Experiences and Interoceptive Awareness
Associations Between Childcare Physical Activity and Sedentary Time and Early Childhood Developmental Outcomes: A Compositional and Isotemporal Substitution Analysis
Longitudinal pathways linking peer victimization to academic efficacy in adolescence: Indirect effects via sleep
The Case for Gauging as a Research Purpose in Public Administration: Connecting Purpose, Frameworks, Design, and Norms in Applied Research
Promoting Skill Development and Positive Change: An Organizational Development Project for Industrial-Organizational Psychology Courses
Generative AI in Higher Education: Uncertain Students, Ambiguous Use Cases, and Mercenary Perspectives
Coproducing Recommendations for Decolonizing the Psychology Curriculum With Psychology Faculty Members
Using Prompts to Encourage Quiz Engagement: The Relationship Between Engagement Profiles and Course Success