Special Features of SNAP: Protecting Families from Hardship and Hunger
Four-in-ten working mothers (40%) say they always feel rushed.
Young Women Surpass Young Men in Career Aspirations
Young Men and Women Differ on the Importance of a Successful Marriage
Eliminating Social Services Block Grant Would Weaken Services for Vulnerable Children, Adults and Disabled
Child Support Agency Quarterly Summary of Statistics – March 2012
CEO pay 231 times greater than the average worker
Statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) 1 April 2010– 31 March 2011 [England]
Social Security/Current Law Projections: Average Monthly Benefit, by Sex, December 2010
Households Below Average Income – 1994/95 to 2010/11
Area Based Analysis – Local Profiles – An approach to understanding benefit claimants – Wokingham case study
The Burdens of Student Debt
QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged 18–64 Years Who Reported Fair or Poor Health,* by Type of Locality† — National Health Interview Survey, 2008–2010§
Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.
Hispanics Favor Bigger Role for Government
House Republican Cuts for Kids by the Numbers
A district notorious for the social menace back in focus
Scottish Crime and Justice Survey Report – Drug Use – 2010/11
High Level Summary of Statistics Trends for Crime and Justice
Estimating the Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Conditions in Adults: Extending the 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey
SummaryThis report presents a new estimate of the prevalence of autism among adults aged 18 years and over. This was derived using data from the 2007 …
The Quality and Outcomes Framework 2010/11
What is the QOF? How is QOF achievement measured? Where do I view the QOF results?What is the QOF?The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), is a volun…
Some Basic Facts on State and Local Government Workers
Mental Health Bulletin – Fifth report from Mental Health Minimum Dataset (MHMDS) annual returns, 2011
SummaryThis fifth annual report on NHS adult specialist mental health services in England and the people who use them covers five years with the most …
Poverty and Food Insecurity
NOTE: Food-insecure households are those in which either adults or children or both were “food insecure,” meaning
that, at times, they were unable to acquire adequate food for active, healthy living for all household members because
they had insufficient money and other resources for food. Statistics for 1996–1998 and 2000 are omitted because
they are not directly comparable with those for other years.
Prevalence of Obesity Among Children and Adolescents
Underweight children
Mental disorders in the US
*Numbers in parentheses indicate the prevalence of the disorder without any comorbidity. These rates were calculated using the NCS data for GAD and PTSD, and the ECA data for OCD. The rates were not used in calculating the any anxiety disorder and any disorder totals for the ECA and NCS columns. The unduplicated GAD and PTSD rates were added to the best estimate total for any anxiety disorder (3.3%) and any disorder (1.5%).
Trends in Foster Care and Adoption—FY 2002-FY 2009
Rates of AIDS Diagnoses by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) of Residence, 2008 – United States and Puerto Rico
Diagnosis of HIV Infection
From 2005-2008, blacks/African Americans constituted the largest percentage of diagnoses of HIV infection each year. In 2008, of adults and adolescents diagnosed with HIV infection in the 37 states and 5 U.S. dependent areas with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting since at least January 2005, 50% were black/African American, 29% were white, 20% were Hispanic/Latino, 1% each were Asian and American Indian/Alaska Native and persons reporting multiple races, and less than 1% were Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander.
ADLs / IADLs and Medicare beneficiaries
Nearly three in ten beneficiaries (29 percent) are limited in their ability to handle basic activities of daily living (ADLs), such as bathing and eating, with even higher shares among the nonelderly disabled population (42 percent) and those ages 85 and older (48 percent). A similar share of all beneficiaries (30 percent) are limited in their ability to do instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), such as housework, preparing meals, and using the telephone. Such limitations affect a greater share of nonelderly disabled beneficiaries (54 percent) and those ages 85 and over (43 percent).
Development and multi-site validation of a new condition-specific quality of life measure for eating disorders
US job losses
Conceptual Model of Therapeutic Relationship in Therapeutic Foster Care
Rates of White Adults and Adolescents Living with an AIDS Diagnosis at the end of 2007 – United States
The Higher People Live, the Greater the Suicide Risk
High school students & sexual intercourse
Adverse Childhood Experiences
Prevalence of HIV among black women
Models of mental causation 2
Self-stigma and the “why try” effect: impact on life goals and evidence-based practices
World Psychiatry. 2009 June;8(2):75-81.
To experience self-stigma, the person must be aware of the stereotypes that describe a stigmatized group (e.g., people with mental illness are to blame for their disorder) and agree with them (that’s right, people with mental illness are actually to blame for their disorder).
Models of mental causation: 1
Predictors of Risky Sexual Behavior
Am J Public Health. 2009 October; 99(Suppl 2): S432–S438.
Solid lines represent statistically significant direct effects of the regression of each mediator (i.e., psychological distress; risky sexual situations) onto childhood sexual abuse, experiences of childhood homophobia, and experiences of adult homophobia. Dashed lines represent statistically significant indirect effects, which are the regressions of risky sexual behavior onto childhood sexual abuse, experiences of childhood homophobia, and experiences of adult homophobia through (a) psychological distress, (b) risky sexual situations, or (c) psychological distress and risky sexual situations. Dashed lines that cross an intermediary variable (i.e., psychological distress; risky sexual situations) include that variable as a mediator.
Effect of neighborhood social disorder on distress for women high on negative affectivity versus for women low on negative affectivity
Circumscribed social phobia, generalized social phobia without comorbid depression, and generalized social phobia with comorbid depression
Biol Psychiatry. 2009 March 1; 65(5): 374–382.
Mean heart rate in the 6-second resting interval prior to script onset for control, circumscribed social phobia, generalized social phobia without comorbid depression, and generalized social phobia with comorbid depression groups. Error bars refer to standard error of the mean.
How Children Understand Parental Mental Illness
Conceptual model of the relationship of built environment “eyes on the street” features to perceived social support and psychological distress
Maps Based on the 2008 HIV Infection and AIDS Surveillance Report
Ranges of onset age for common psychiatric disorders
Nat Rev Neurosci. 2008 December; 9(12): 947–957.
Recent data from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication study55, 57, a nationally representative epidemiological survey of mental disorders, suggest that about half of the population fulfill criteria for one or other psychiatric disorders in their lifetimes. The majority of those with a mental disorder have had the beginnings of the illness in childhood or adolescence. Some anxiety disorders such as phobias and separation anxiety and impulse-control disorders begin in childhood, while other anxiety disorders such as panic, generalized anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder, substance disorders and mood disorders begin later, with onsets rarely before early teens. Schizophrenia typically begins in late adolescence or the early twenties, with men having a somewhat earlier age of onset compared to women56. Psychiatric disorders with childhood or adolescent onsets tend to be more severe, are frequently undetected early in the illness, and accrue additional co-morbid disorders especially if untreated. It is therefore critical to focus efforts on early identification and intervention.
The Unemployment Rate Rose to Near Its Postwar High
Technically, the recession that began in December 2007 ended in June 2009 as the economy began growing again. But, the pace of growth has not been strong enough to reduce the unemployment rate, which rose far higher than in the previous two recessions and far faster than (though not quite as high as) in the deep 1981-82 recession.