Latinos Overwhelmingly Support DREAM Act
Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage
Majority of Public Sees Presidential Campaign so far as Dull, but also Important
Unmarried Households Are Increasingly the Norm
Opposing view: Don’t cut food assistance
Rate of Unintentional Motor Vehicle Traffic Deaths, by Age Group — United States, 2004–2010*
The Unfinished War on Poverty
Most Asian Americans See More Opportunity in U.S. than Country of Origin
Alcohol Related Deaths in Northern Ireland
Half Say View of Obama Not Affected by Gay Marriage Decision
Older Workers in the Labour Market – 2012
Most Mexicans Would Not Move to U.S.
Medicaid Expansion: Who’s In? Who’s Out?
Intelligence, Bipolar Disorder: What’s Behind the Link?
Social and emotional support among older adults
Most Asian Americans Describe Themselves by Country of Origin
Vaccine Designed to Keep Cocaine Out of the Brain
Under normal conditions, cocaine molecules (shown as gold circles) easily cross from the blood into the brain (top diagram). A series of vaccines, however, stimulates patients’ immune systems to produce cocaine antibodies (red Ys) that attach to molecules of the drug and prevent them from reaching the brain (bottom diagram).