Tupu Ola Moui: Pacific Health
Number of Recipients, 1974–2011: Persons receiving federally administered SSI payments, December
Incidence rate and number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses, by private industry sector, 2008
Fewer People Were Uninsured in 2011
Two Thirds of Democrats Now Support Gay Marriage
Medicare Voucher Plan Remains Unpopular
Rate of fatal occupational injuries, by industry sector, US 2008
The Economy Has Been Growing, Since Mid-2009
Economic activity as measured by real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product (GDP) was contracting sharply when policymakers enacted the financial stabilization bill (TARP) and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The economy has been growing for 12 straight quarters, but the pace of recovery has been modest.
Medicare Beneficiaries’ Utilization of Selected Medical and Long-Term Care Services, 2006
Size of Income, 1962 and 2010: Median income of aged units, by marital status (in 2010 dollars)
SOURCES: Data for 1962 are from Social Security Administration, The Aged Population of the United States: The 1963 Social Security Survey of the Aged (1967). Data for 2010 are Social Security Administration calculations from the March 2011 Annual Social and Economic Supplement to the Current Population Survey.