Health Insurance Coverage Among Adults Aged 55–64 Years, by Type of Coverage* — National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2002–2003 and 2012–2013
Figure 3: Potential Years of Working Life Lost rates due to Alcohol-related Deaths by National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification (NS-SEC) for People of Working Age (16 to 64) in England and Wales, 2011
Differences in selected health and relationship well-being measures for young people by gender, UK, 2011/12
Safety Net for Poorest Weakened After Welfare Law But Regained Strength in Great Recession, at Least Temporarily
Stroke treatment in England varies: People with stroke admitted to an acute stroke unit within four hours of arrival to hospital
Age-Adjusted Rates for Suicide,* by Urbanization of County of Residence† — United States, 2004 and 2013