How the Pandemic Could Alter Government Higher Education Spending
SARS-CoV-2 Infections and Serologic Responses from a Sample of U.S. Navy Service Members — USS Theodore Roosevelt, April 2020
People using aged care in Australia (2018-19)
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) – Cases in the U.S.
Spike in Poison Control Calls Related to Disinfectant Exposures
February 2020 Medicaid & CHIP Enrollment Data Highlights
When 511 Epidemiologists Expect to Fly, Hug and Do 18 Other Everyday Activities Again
Additional comments from epidemiologists on life and social distancing
Two-thirds of black Americans don’t trust the police to treat them equally. Most white Americans do.
“Black communities are often over-policed and over-profiled, which can even lead to fatality, as recent cases have shown us,” said Dr. Michael Lindsey, who directs the McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research.
10 things we know about race and policing in the U.S.
A month before George Floyd’s death, black and white Americans differed sharply in confidence in the police
Medicare: CMS Should Provide Beneficiaries More Information about Substance Use Disorder Coverage
Dating and Relationships in the Digital Age
Infection Control Deficiencies Were Widespread and Persistent in Nursing Homes Prior to COVID-19 Pandemic
Drug Use is Transmitted from Old to Young
Each birth year, the risk of dying from a drug overdose starts climbing at younger and younger ages (Jalal, et al., 2020).
Most Americans Say Federal Government Has Primary Responsibility for COVID-19 Testing
10 things to know about Perinatal Mental Health: Poster
Domestic workers chartbook
As Millennials Near 40, They’re Approaching Family Life Differently Than Previous Generations
IFSW Climate Justice project
World No Tobacco Day: Protect Our Youth
Hospitalizations and deaths associated with fatal cases of e-cigarette, or vaping, product use–associated lung injury (EVALI)
Digital Care for Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: 10,000 Participant Longitudinal Cohort Study
Pain response subgroups. Pain reduction trend clusters obtained by fitting a 3-component GMM identified 3 subgroups (HG, HR, and LG response). Random sample of pain reduction trends colored by subgroup and the respective mean trends. 2D, 2 dimensional; GMM, Gaussian Mixture Model; HG, high-gradual; HR, high-rapid; LG: low-gradual.
The Richest Neighborhoods Emptied Out Most as Coronavirus Hit New York City
QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Percentage* of Adults Aged ≥18 Years Who Have Difficulty Seeing Even When Wearing Glasses,† by Poverty Status§ — National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2018
Electronic Cigarette Use Among U.S. Adults, 2018
Figure 2: Proportion of the Population Age 85 and Older by County
Which occupations have the highest potential exposure to the coronavirus (COVID-19)?
High COVID-19 Attack Rate Among Attendees at Events at a Church — Arkansas, March 2020
Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes of Adult Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19 — Georgia, March 2020
Facing an Uncertain Future: What We Know About Gen Z So Far
Sexual Activity and Contraceptive Use Among Teenagers Aged 15–19 in the United States, from 2015–2017
The Lasting Academic Impact of Homelessness
COVID-19 Surveys Show Rapidly Rising Food Needs
Mapping America’s Aging Population: Baby boomers, 2000 to 2010
Where did the baby boom generation move during the first decade of the new millennium?
COVID-19: Statistics serving Europe
Number of psychiatrists: how do countries compare?