How Housing Costs Drive Levels of Homelessness
University finances in the second year of the pandemic, 2021/2022
Support for legal abortion is widespread in many countries, especially in Europe
A digital suicide prevention intervention for LGBTQ+ youth who have experienced online victimization
Why Did Disability Insurance Rolls Drop from 2015 to 2019?
What Americans Know About AI, Cybersecurity and Big Tech
Few Firm Beliefs and Low Trust: Americans Not Sure What’s True in Age of Health Misinformation Toggle navigation Few Firm Beliefs and Low Trust: Americans Not Sure What’s True in Age of Health Misinformation
Reauthorise PEPFAR to prevent death, orphanhood, and suffering for millions of children
Suicide Data and Statistics
Towards a youth mental health paradigm: a perspective and roadmap
How people in 24 countries view same-sex marriage
AI can crack double blind peer review – should we still use it?
Single Retirees of Color Face Greatest Financial Hardship
Wills, Wealth, and Race
Knowledge brokering organisations – what are they and what do they do?
Why older people are some of those worst affected by climate change
Self-reported fraud in Canada, 2019
Firearms are the most common method used in suicides. Firearms are used in more than 50% of suicides
Hybrid Work is Having More Success than Fully Remote
Drug and Alcohol Use Reported by Youth in Juvenile Facilities, 2008–2018 – Statistical Tables
NYC’s eviction hotspots: Tracking the 10K removals since moratorium ended
Pathways from education to the labour market among Canadian youth
Rising ill-health and economic inactivity because of long-term sickness, UK: 2019 to 2023
Campus Sexual Violence: Statistics
The rise in dental service recommendations from NHS 111
In this chart of the week, Ose Ogbebor looks at how the numbers of recommendations from 111 for further dental care have changed over the past four years.
Economy Remains Resilient at Mid-Year
Hundreds of Thousands of Young Children and Postpartum Adults Would Be Turned Away from WIC under House and Senate Funding Levels
Drug and Alcohol Use Reported by Youth in Juvenile Facilities, 2008–2018 – Statistical Tables
Distributions of household economic accounts for income, consumption, saving and wealth of Canadian households, first quarter 2023
Average household net saving by income quintile
Extreme heat is particularly hard on older adults, and an aging population and climate change are putting ever more people at risk
Rate of Homeownership Higher Than Before Pandemic in All Regions
‘Teaching on Eggshells’: Students Report Professors’ Offensive Comments
Most Asian Americans View Their Ancestral Homelands Favorably, Except Chinese Americans
Introducing the High Road to the Middle Class Map
How Likely, if at All, Would You Be to Contact 988 if You or Someone You Know Needed Help?
How to Use the Updated “Nursing Home Inspect” Database
Distance as a Factor for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit High School Completion
Map 1 Relative remoteness of census subdivisions in Canada, using the manual classification of the remoteness index