The research programme sketched out in the introduction of Transnational Psychiatries is important and timely. Too often, the editors claim, histories of psychiatry (and histories of medicine in general) have limited their scope to specific national contexts, despite the fact that physicians have always built and maintained international networks through which information, theories, practices and technologies have been disseminated.
Hillbilly nationalists, urban race rebels and black power: community organizing in radical times
Americanism and anti-communism: the UAW and repressive liberalism before the red scare
The relationship between Communism and Americanism during the Popular Front period is now largely perceived as a positive one. By promoting the idea that Communism was an extension of specifically American political traditions, the argument runs, Communists were able to advance their participation in the unions and in a left-oriented cultural-political alliance with broad popular appeal. Against this perspective, this article . . .
The toxic oil syndrome as a catalyst to psychiatric reform in Spain (1981-85)
Archive for the history of psychology in Spain
Racial experiments in psychiatry’s provinces: Richard S Lyman and his colleagues in China and the American South, 1932-51
‘Irresistible impulse’: historicizing a judicial innovation in Australian insanity jurisprudence
Hebephrenia: a conceptual history
This paper traces the conceptual history of hebephrenia from the late nineteenth century until it became firmly embedded into modern psychiatric classification systems. During this examination of the origins and the historical context of hebephrenia it will be demonstrated how it became inextricably linked with twentieth-century notions of schizophrenia.
Colombian approaches to psychology in the 19th century
Colombian intellectuals of the 19th century widely consulted scientific psychology in regard to their political, religious, and educational interests. Colombian independence from Spain (1810) introduced the necessity of transforming the former subjects into illustrious citizens and members of a modern state.
Wilbur J. Cohen | Government Official, Educator, Social Welfare Expertt
Gender contracts in Estonian coastal farming families, 1870–1939
This paper deals with families that lived on the North West coast of Estonia from 1870 to 1939. This period involved a successive transition to a monetary economy for the family farmer and an increasing need for cash to be able to pay rents and debts arising from land purchases. A farm perspective is used to show the complexity of effects of societal changes on the gender division of labour.
Microcosms of Migration: Children and Early Medieval Population Movement
Our 137 Year Commitment to the Safety and Well Being of Children
Irish Catholic Identity in 1870s Otago, New Zealand
The other alliance: student protest in West Germany and the United States in the global Sixties
Building a just and secure world: popular front women’s struggle for peace and justice in Chicago during the 1960s
Emaciated, Exhausted, and Excited: The Bodies and Minds of the Irish in Late Nineteenth-Century Lancashire Asylums
Drawing on asylum admission records, casebooks, annual reports, and notebooks recording the settlement of Irish patients, this article examines a deeply traumatic and enduring aspect of the Irish migration experience, the confinement of large numbers of Irish migrants in the Lancashire asylum system in the late nineteenth century.
Little Albert: A neurologically impaired child
Evidence collected by Beck, Levinson, and Irons (2009) indicates that Albert B., the “lost” infant subject of John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner’s (1920) famous conditioning study, was Douglas Merritte (1919–1925). Following the finding that Merritte died early with hydrocephalus, questions arose as to whether Douglas’s condition was congenital, rather than acquired in 1922, as cited on his death certificate.
Madness is civilization: when the diagnosis was social, 1948–1980
From Melancholia to Prozac: A History of Depression
Fifty years ago, the number of people diagnosed with depression was relatively modest. At present, by contrast, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that no less than one in ten Americans suffer from this condition, or well over thirty million. What is responsible for such a far reaching transformation?
Mad doctors? The significance of medical practitioners admitted as patients to the first English county asylums up to 1890
Swept up from the Streets or Nowhere Else to Go? The Journeys of Dutch Female Beggars and Vagrants to the Oegstgeest State Labor Institution in the Late Nineteenth Century
Madness is Civilisation: When the Diagnosis was Social, 1948-1980
The Sciences of the Soul: The Early Modern Origins of Psychology
Unemployed miners on street corner. Johnston City, Illinois (1939)
Tracing marriages; legal requirements and actual practice, 1700-1836 [podcast]
Everyday Struggles against Franco’s Authoritarian Legacy: Pedagogical Social Movements and Democracy in Spain
Youth cultures and the disciplining of Czechoslovak youth in the 1960s
The AIDS Pandemic in Historic Perspective
Potent antiretroviral drugs (ART) have changed the nature of AIDS, a once deadly disease, into a manageable illness and offer the promise of reducing the spread of HIV. But the pandemic continues to expand and cause significant morbidity and devastation to families and nations as ART cannot be distributed worldwide to all who need the drugs to treat their infections, prevent HIV transmission, or serve as prophylaxis.
“Neither guns nor bombs – neither the state nor God – will stop us from fighting for our children”: motherhood and protest in 1960s and 1970s America
Childersburg, Alabama. WPA (Works Progress Administration) day nursey for defense workers’ children (1942)
Political authority and popular opinion: Czechoslovakia’s German population 1948–60
Social Welfare in Transition: Selected English Documents, 1834-1909
The narcotic drug problem
Diego Armus, The Ailing City: Health, Tuberculosis, and Culture in Buenos Aires, 1870-1950
By focusing on a wide range of topics such as urban utopias, tango lyrics, literature, physical education, and female clothing, alongside the emergence of a culture of hygiene, Armus asserts, ‘my intent is to show how the disease deeply affected and was affected by multiple spheres of life in modern Buenos Aires’
The new WPA (Work Projects Administration) school in Franklin, Heard County, Georgia (1941)
Crossing sisters: patterns of protest in the journal of the Catholic Union of Slovak Women during the Second World War
Teaching about mental health and illness through the history of the DSM.
Most students enter introductory or abnormal psychology courses with a naively realist concept of what constitutes mental illness, and most textbooks do little to complicate this understanding. The tendency to reify the various diagnostic categories of the mental health disciplines into stable and independent illnesses is ever present.
Education for Citizenship in a Bi-Racial Civilization; Black Teachers and the Social Construction of Race, 1929-1954
Differences in intergenerational fertility associations by sex and race in Saba, Dutch Caribbean, 1876–2004
Neuro Psychiatry 1943: The Role of Documentary Film in the Dissemination of Medical Knowledge and Promotion of the U.K. Psychiatric Profession
The cinematographic skills of Wright and director Michael Hankinson, together with their reformist agenda, created a clinical presentation that emphasized achievements without acknowledging the limitations not only of the therapies offered by doctors but also the resources available to a nation at war.
Reconciling Identities in Life and Death: The Social Child in the Early Helladic Peloponnese
Naoko Wake. Private Practices: Harry Stack Sullivan, the Science of Homosexuality, and American Liberalism
Varieties of psychiatric criticism
Cadaver Brains and Excesses in Baccho and Venere: Dementia Paralytica in Dutch Psychiatry (1870-1920)
Freud’s social theory: Modernist and postmodernist revisions
Acknowledging the power of the id-drives, Freud held on to the authority of reason as the ego’s best tool to control instinctual desire. He thereby placed analytic reason at the foundation of his own ambivalent social theory, which, on the one hand, held utopian promise based upon psychoanalytic insight, and, on the other hand, despaired of reason’s capacity to control the self-destructive elements of the psyche.
Marriage systems and remarriage in 19th century Hungary: a comparative study
The paper tries to examine the intensity and possible influencing factors of remarriages in two distant communities of historic Hungary during the 19th century. It uses longitudinal data gained from parish registers and family reconstitution method and event history models for the analysis of remarriage.
The Air Cure Town: Commodifying Mountain Air in Alpine Central Europe
The Complexities of ‘Consumerism’: Choice, Collectivism and Participation within Britain’s National Health Service, c.1961-c.1979
Tracing lines of horizontal hostility: How sex workers and gay activists battled for space, voice, and belonging in Vancouver, 1975-1985
In the mid-1970s, indoor sex workers were pushed outdoors onto the streets of Vancouver’s emergent gay West End, where a small stroll had operated for several years. While some gay activists contemplated solidarity with diversely gendered and racialized sex workers, others galvanized a campaign, alongside business owners, realtors, police, city councillors, and politicians to expel prostitution from their largely white, middle-class enclave.