Reducing child drowning in London: A summary that describes key facts about child drowning and how to prevent or reduce it
There are alternatives: Africa – A handbook for preventing unnecessary immigration detention (examples from thirty-two States)
Guidance for joint targeted area inspection on the theme: Child sexual exploitation, children associated with gangs and at risk of exploitation and children missing from home, care or education
Best Practices for Developing and Validating Scales for Health, Social, and Behavioral Research: A Primer
Philippines: Training Manual on Republic Act 10821 and the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (Version 1.0)
Enabling Voices, Demanding Rights: A guide to gender-sensitive community engagement in large-scale land-based investment in agriculture
ESSS Outline: Transitional outcomes from social enterprise interventions for young people with additional support needs
A Pragmatic Approach to Guide Implementation Evaluation Research: Strategy Mapping for Complex Interventions