A joint inspection of services for children and young people at risk of harm in the Scottish Borders partnership
Educational and economic outcomes of lesbian, gay and bisexual people in Canada: A closer look at Canadian-born, immigrant and racialized populations
Childhood factors associated with high school completion or higher education among off-reserve First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children
Inequalities in the Challenges Affecting Children and their Families during COVID-19 with School Closures and Reopenings: A Qualitative Study
UNICEF sounds the alarm over increased number of unvaccinated children in the Middle East and North Africa [EN/AR]
Changes to HUD Programs Could Help Prevent Housing Instability among Youth Who’ve Aged Out of Foster Care
School Connectedness and Risk Behaviors and Experiences Among High School Students — Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2021
‘Community centres across Wales play a crucial role in supporting the most vulnerable members of our society’
Humboldt County Child Welfare Services and the Courts: Late Reports, Dysfunctional Systems, and Traumatized Children
Listen to us! Communications barriers: How statutory bodies are failing Black, Minoritized, Migrant, Deaf and Disabled Women and Girls Victims/Survivors of VAWG
Prevalence of Eviction, Home Foreclosure and Homelessness among LowIncome U.S. Veterans: The National Veteran Homeless and Other Poverty Experiences Study