Changes in Health Insurance Enrollment Since 2013: Evidence from the RAND Health Reform Opinion Study
Family Voices: Piloting a New Qualitative Measure of Family Engagement for Head Start and Early Head Start Staff and Families
A First Look at the Head Start CARES Demonstration Large-Scale Implementation of Programs to Improve Children’s Social-Emotional Competence
Do Poor Kids Deserve Lower-Quality Education Than Rich Kids? Evaluating School Privatization Proposals in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Improving the Economic Prospects of Low-Income Individuals through Career Pathways Programs: The Innovative Strategies For Increasing Self-Sufficiency Evaluation
The levels of use of opioids, amphetamines and cocaine and associated levels of harm: summary of scientific evidence
How States are Implementing Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs Through the Personal Responsibility Education Program
Access to Care for Low-Income Medicaid and Privately Insured Adults in 2012 in the National Health Interview Survey: A Context for Findings from a New Audit Study
The Prevention and Management of Falls in the Community: A Framework for Action for Scotland 2014/2015
Enhancing Cultural Competence in Social Service Agencies: A Promising Approach to Serving Diverse Children and Families