Physical exercise as a supplement to treatment of alcohol use disorders: a randomized controlled trial
Neurological, visual and neurocognitive performance in pediatric HIV‐1‐infected patients as compared to healthy controls. – NOVICE
A study to explore the feasibility of alcohol screening and treatment in a primary care general dental practice setting
A Single Blind, Randomized, Sham Controlled Study of Cranial Electrical Stimulation in Bipolar II Disorder
Evaluation of internet-based, guided, self-help, cognitive behavioural therapy for bulimia nervosa and similar eating disorders in a specialist outpatient setting: a randomized controlled trial
Effectiveness of mind-body meditation approach on improvement of mental and physical health of people with cardiovascular disease and risk factors
ASSertID Phase 3 Drug Treatment for Depression in Patients undergoing Haemodialysis Qualitative Study
Evaluation of a ‘Flexible Integrated Reading Support Tool’ for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their carers – Views of people with ASD and their carers
An exploratory randomised controlled trial of a web-based Integrated Bipolar Parenting Intervention (IBPI) for bipolar parents of young children (aged 3-10)
A Prospective, Double-Blind, Randomized, Parallel-Group, Sham-Controlled Feasibility Trial of Multi-Coil Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder
Predicting destabilisation: The family’s response to alcohol rehabilitation and its impact on treatment outcomes
Reducing binge drinking among disadvantaged men through an intervention delivered by mobile phone: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial
GLOWING Trial: Phase 1 – Exploratory research to inform the development of a guideline implementation intervention for the management of maternal obesity by midwives
Improving Engagement in Early Interventions: A pilot study adopting young psychosis service user and carer perspectives to shape EIP Services in the South East for patient benefit
A pilot randomised clinical trial of trauma-focused cognitive behaviour therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in young children aged 3-8 years (PYCES) – prospective longitudinal study
The Cambridge Human Imaging and Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study: Prenatal, neonatal and postnatal hormonal effects on infant health and brain development
Efficacy of an Enhanced Mindfulness-based Intervention for Social Anxiety Disorder: A Pilot Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial