Efficacy Testing of an Internet and Mobile Phone Delivered Physical Activity and Nutrition Intervention for Men aged 35-54 years
A social skills intervention for children with High-Functioning Autism,Asperger syndrome:pilot randomized controlled treatment study suggesting effectiveness
Effects of Maternal Depressive Symptomatology on Pregnancy Outcomes and Newborn Development — How is Paternal Psychopathology Involved?
A randomised controlled trial of a clinician-guided education program for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder comparing the efficacy of administration via the Internet with administration via Bibliotherapy
Realities, Expectations and Attitudes to Life Support Technologies in Intensive Care for Octogenarians:
Functional anatomy and impact of cognitive training on chunking within working memory in early Alzheimer’s disease: a randomised controlled trial
Screening and Treatment for Alcohol Related Trauma using Brief Interventions (START Brief Interventions) project
A randomised trial of a low intensity intervention model within a university health service to improve the mental health of students.
A randomised controlled trial of ‘Wide Awake Parenting’: A program for the management of parental fatigue
Investigating the Relationships Among Illness Cognition, Social Support, Stress, and Emotional Reactions of Infertile Patients
Randomised controlled trial of two implementation methods of the e-couch Anxiety and Worry program in an adolescent school-based population
Evaluation of an online human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-prevention intervention to promote HIV-testing among men who have sex with men
The effect of exercise program for prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in the neck, upper back and low back among office workers
Acupuncture, counselling and usual GP care for depression in primary care: A randomised controlled trial to evaluate effectiveness and cost effectiveness
Feasibility and Acceptability of an Educational Intervention to Improve the Management of Depression in Primary Care.
A comparison of brief and standard cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for patients in palliative care
A study evaluating the effect of Educational Needs Assessment Tool (ENAT) focused patient education, on health outcomes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
ManUp Gladstone Project: an Internet and Mobile Phone Delivered Physical Activity and Nutrition Intervention.
NEWMEDS creates largest pool of international clinical trial data to advance psychiatric drug research
PIB2-intervention: Internet-delivered behavior change intervention aimed at healthcare professionals ánd patients with cardiovascular risk factors
Enhancing Self-Understanding and Social Integration of Middle School Students With Learning Disabilities
Recognition of Acquired Competencies: Does is positively effect empowerment and vocational functioning in people with vulnerabilities?