Outpatient Psychotherapeutic Treatment for Alcohol Dependent Individuals With Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders
Project Wellness Enhancement: Increasing Health Care Choice and Outcomes for People With Mental Illness (WE)
A Pilot, Proof-of-concept Cohort Study of the Prevalence of Comorbid Mental Illness and Substance Abuse
Evaluating Safety and Efficacy of Cannabis in Participants With Chronic Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
R.CULT.HEA – URban Environment, CULTural Social Use of Space and HEAlth / Well-being Effect on Population
Brazilian HIV/Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Prevention for Adolescents With Mental Health Disorder
Development and Testing of a Clinic-Based Intervention to Increase Dual Protection Against Unintended Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Among High Risk Female Teens