Evaluating a Brief Negotiational Intervention for Alcohol Use Among Injury Patients in Tanzania (BNI)
Effectiveness and Cost-effectiveness of Telephone-delivered Psychotherapy for Depression in Primary Care
Enlisting Peer Cooperation and Prosociality in the Service of Substance Use Prevention in Middle School
Impact of an Accelerated Pre-treatment Evaluation on Linkage-to-care and Linkage-to-treatment for HCV Infected Persons Who Inject Drugs
Resilience Against Depression Disparities (Also Known as Resilience Education to Reduce Depression Disparities) (RADD)
Combined Cognitive and Vocational Interventions After Mild-to-moderate TBI: a Randomized Controlled Trial
Evaluating Trauma-Informed, Evidence-Informed Interventions for Latino Families Experiencing Domestic Violence
Effectiveness of a Transition Program for Adolescents With Congenital Heart Disease in the Transition to Adulthood
Comparative Effectiveness Trail to Reduce Child Maltreatment, Improve Client Outcomes and Examine Client Burden
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) in Fatigued Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Preoperative Cognitive Therapy for Improving Health Outcomes After TKA in High-risk Catastrophizing Subjects (CT_TKA)
Post Admission Cognitive Therapy (PACT) for the Inpatient Treatment of Military Personnel With Suicidal Behaviors
Psychosocial Intervention With Community Worker Support for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (IPCCOS)
Study of People With HIV Infection Who Have High Viral Loads Despite Combination Antiretroviral Therapy
CAP’Onco : Psychological and Social Consultation of Professional Accompaniment in Oncology (CAP’ONCO)
Do we Prepare Patients for Their Digital Legacy? A Survey of Palliative Care Professionals in the West Midlands