Efficacy of a Transdiagnostic Guided Internet-Delivered Intervention for Emotional, Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders.
UP in Blended Format for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders in the Spanish National Health System
Impact of Behavior Modification Interventions and Lung Cancer Screening on Smoking Cessation in People Living With HIV
Treating Genital Herpes Infection to Reduce Racial Disparities in the Risk of Severe Maternal Morbidity (PCORISMM)
Expectation, Motivation and Experience of HIV-patients Regarding Participation to an HIV Cure-related Clinical Trial (AMEP-EHVA T02)
Can we Achieve ‘High-quality’ Weight Loss Through Supplementation and Exercise? The TRIM MUSCLE Study
Extreme Challenges – Psychopathology & Treatment Experiences Among Severly Selfharming Inpatients in Norway
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder (PTSD-BPD)
Development of a Culturally Grounded, Trauma-Informed Alcohol Intervention with a Reserve-Dwelling First Nation Group (Native HEALTH)
Early Detection of Mental Disorders in Adolescents With Chronic Pain: Creation of a Screening Tool for Use by the General Practitioner (REPERADO)
MOTIVATE to Improve Outcomes for Older Veterans With Musculoskeletal Pain and Depression (MOTIVATE_IIR)
Effectiveness of Telepsychiatry with Randomized Waitlist Control Utilizing Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs)
A Mobile Application to Improve Case-management and Patient’s Functioning in First Episode Psychosis (PLAN-e-PSY)