The Longitudinal Impact of Socioeconomic Status and the Competing Neurobehavioral Decision Systems on Recovery From Substance Use Disorder
4FM Acceptance Training as the New Form of cPTSD-focused Treatment Based on Existential Analysis (A4FM/AE)
The Effect of Mindfulness-based Relapse Prevention on Impulsive Control Circuit Among Methamphetamine Dependents
Change in Social Media Use and Well-being Among College Students Receiving a One-week Exercise or Mindfulness Intervention
RCT of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Versus Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction in Head and Neck Cancer
The Efficacy Study of the Evidence-Based Psychological Intervention for Improving Resilience and Preventing Burnout of Residents
Comparing the Spanish Version of CANreduce With or Without Psychological Support and Treatment as Usual, Reducing Cannabis Use. (CANREDUCE)
Integrated Psychological Program for Management of Postnatal Depression and Persistent Postpartum Pain After Childbirth (CODEPAD-II)
Correlation Between Psychological Stress and Disease Progression in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Patients
Effects of Physical-Psychological Integrative Intervention on SCI Patient: a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
The Effectiveness of a CA-CBI on Psychological Distress of University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Epidemiological Screening of Psychiatric Disorders Among School Aged Children and Adolescent in Assiut Governorate
Treatment of Pediatric Post-traumatic Stress Disorder With Memory Reactivation Under the Influence of Propranolol (PPP)