Statistics NZ is responsible for releasing marriage and civil union registration data. Data refers to marriages and civil unions that have occurred and been registered with Births, Deaths, and Marriages. Provisional civil union and marriage quarterly data will be available from Statistics NZ within five weeks of the end of the quarter. Data includes the number of marriages and civil unions between same-sex male, same-sex female, and opposite-sex couples; and transfers from civil unions (as explained below).
For more information about final annual data see Marriages, civil unions, and divorces – information releasesExternal Links icon.
Civil unions
The Civil Union Act 2004 came into force on 26 April 2005 and the first ceremonies were celebrated on 29 April 2005. This Act introduced a new form of legal relationship. Two people, whether of opposite or the same sex, can enter into a civil union provided they are not currently married to or in a civil union with someone else. A married couple can transfer their relationship to a civil union. From 19 August 2013, any couple in a civil union can transfer their relationship to a marriage (before this date, only opposite-sex couples could transfer their civil union to a marriage).