The experimental figures presented in this first annual report provide a picture of activity in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services and the people that use them in 2012/13. Throughout the year Key Performance Indicator figures were also collected that provide an authoritative picture of levels of IAPT activity during this period. The KPI data is available separately on the HSCIC website.
The IAPT programme is designed to provide services for those suffering from anxiety and depression disorders and the purpose of the IAPT dataset is to support reporting on the treatment of these individuals, although locally IAPT services may also have expanded to treat other psychological disorders. The information presented uses version one of the IAPT dataset, which was first reported on in quarter one of 2012/13. The report also uses the latest population figures from the Office for National Statistics 2011 Census.#
As 2012/13 is the first year of reporting from this dataset, statistics are only reported for those referrals that were received in the year. It is recognised that there is some under counting of figures as may be expected when moving to a new dataset, particularly in the first half of the year. However, there has been marked improvement throughout the year as the quality and completeness of data provided by services has increased. Referrals that started before April 2012 are exclude