Britain has a complicated relationship with alcohol. Despite the tabloid hysteria, the evidence shows that overall we are drinking less than we were a decade ago. At the same time, it is clear that some communities suffer from severe problems related to underage drinking, the harms of binge drinking and dependent street drinkers. The Government has not brought forward a strong national policy and in its absence, local authorities and Health and Wellbeing Boards who hold responsibility for public health will now lead the way.
Sobering Up investigates what is already happening in communities across the UK and highlights best practice in the hope it will become wider spread. The research looks particularly at the role of shops and incorporates the views of local councillors, council officers, public health representatives, police, trading standards, alcohol support charities and shop owners and workers. It also includes case study areas – Blackpool, Ipswich, Manchester, and Kent – chosen for their mix of alcohol-related problems, as well as their geographical and demographic range.