The Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK Project is funded by the Economic, Science and Research Council (ESRC). The Project is a collaboration between the University of Bristol, University of Glasgow, Heriot Watt University, Open University, Queen’s
University (Belfast), University of York, the National Centre for Social Research and the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency. The project commenced in April 2010 and will run for three-and-a-half years.
The primary purpose is to advance the ‘state of the art’ of the theory and practice of poverty and social exclusion measurement. In order to improve current measurement
methodologies, the research will develop and repeat the 1999 Poverty and Social
Exclusion Survey. This research will produce information of immediate and direct
interest to policy makers, academics and the general public. It will provide a rigorous and detailed independent assessment on progress towards the UK Government’s target
of eradicating child poverty.