<p>Commentary to <em>Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity</em></p>
<p>It has been said that we are entering a new era of government policy. If so, it could be an opportune time to belatedly heed the call of Dr. Martin Luther King and revamp our policies toward the poor. Over the past decade we have moved from a set of policies that provided cash assistance (mostly inadequate) to people who were in need (by standards set by the government) to one in which those who can work are expected to do so. In the process, we have ignored the fact that the poor are not a homogenous group of people, all of whom can and will work if they have no other means of support. They are, in fact, quite diverse. Recognizing this diversity is a necessary prerequisite for developing effective antipoverty policies.</p>
<p>Read the <a href=”http://www.spotlightonpoverty.org/ExclusiveCommentary.aspx?id=28e6886e-b052-44cf-b87b-201fe65b68a9″>full commentary on the Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity web site.</a></p></strong>