Forever Free is a drug treatment program for women who abuse drugs and are incarcerated. The intervention aims to reduce drug use and improve behaviors of women during incarceration and while they are on parole. While they are incarcerated, women participate in individual substance abuse counseling, special workshops, educational seminars, 12-step programs, parole planning, and urine testing. Counseling and educational topics include self-esteem, anger management, assertiveness training, information about healthy versus dysfunctional relationships, abuse, posttraumatic stress disorder, codependency, parenting, and sex and health. The program lasts 4-6 months. Women participate in 4 hours of program activities 5 days per week. After graduation and discharge to parole, women may voluntarily enter community residential treatment. Residential treatment services include individual and group counseling. Some women also participate in family counseling, vocational training/rehabilitation, and recreational or social activities.