Variable-ratio (VR) schedules of reinforcement can lead to steady response rates and make behavior less resistant to extinction but can be difficult to implement with fidelity. Utilizing a concurrent multiple baseline design across participants, we sought to determine how classroom assistant (CA) delivery of VR schedules followed mean and variability requirements and evaluated the effects of programmed schedules of reinforcement on the implementation of VR schedules. Results suggest that the use of programmed schedules of reinforcement led CAs to increase the variability of reinforcer delivery and remain closer to the desired mean. Programmed schedules of reinforcement increase the variability in classroom assistant-implemented VR schedules. Programmed schedules of reinforcement assist classroom assistants in remaining close to the intended mean of the VR schedule. Programmed schedules of reinforcement are cost-effective and easy to provide for classroom assistants in the classroom. The descriptive statistic range can be used to characterize the variability of reinforcement schedules.