Check-in/Check-out (CICO) is a commonly implemented Tier 2 behavioral support. Procedures include an adult mentor facilitating a morning (i.e., check-in) and afternoon (i.e., check-out) session with a student they are supporting and teachers providing points based on the student’s performance across academic blocks. In this study, we evaluated the effect of a three-tiered system for professional development (i.e., multitiered system for professional development [MTS-PD]) on adult mentors’ treatment fidelity of CICO sessions in the context of a multiple-baseline single-case research design across participants. Results indicated that treatment fidelity data were low immediately following MTS-PD Tier 1. A functional relation was evident between MTS-PD Tier 2 and increases in adult mentors’ fidelity. Specifically, one adult mentor was responsive to MTS-PD Tier 1 and three adult mentors required additional implementation support (i.e., MTS-PD Tier 2). Student responsiveness to CICO was variable. We discuss findings and implications.