Studies have demonstrated the centrality of work and dignity in men’s understanding of themselves and their place in society, especially in rural areas. However, previous studies of work and identity among men have generally drawn from the perspectives of the employed. From interviews with nonmetro prime-age men (25–54 years old) who were out of the formal labor force (N = 61), we find that men present themselves as deserving of dignified treatment. They do so by drawing on the values of work—describing themselves as skilled, hard workers with a strong sense of personal responsibility. Ironically, this sense of self-worth can conflict with them remaining in the formal labor force because of how they are treated and how others conduct themselves on the job. In this rural setting, hegemonic market-based values guide men even when outside the institution of work, yet some men find they can only resolve tension between these values and the realities of employment outside the formal labor market.