Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
Peer mentors play a crucial role in campus-based living and support programs that assist autistic students in their transition to college. However, limited research has examined the characteristics of potential peer mentors and incentives that may be necessary to staff such programs. The present study evaluated the relationship between the characteristics of college students and their intention to participate in an autism spectrum disorder-specific living and support program. Undergraduate students (N = 210; 83% females, Mage = 18.9 years, SD = 1.2) completed questionnaires assessing personality characteristics, acceptance of individuals with disabilities, and intrinsic and extrinsic motives for potential participation. Results suggest that participants would be highly motivated to participate if course credit toward their major or monetary incentives were offered. In addition, a history of contact with autistic individuals and agreeableness emerged as the most robust predictors of students’ intention to participate. Findings from this study may improve inclusivity on college campuses.