Motivational studies have helped to understand human psychology as well as to better comprehend people’s learning, achievement, thinking, and comprehension skills. The current study aimed to adapt the Contextual Achievement Motivation Measure (CAMM) developed in English to the Turkish language. The Contextual Achievement Motivation Measure, unlike other achievement motivation scales in literature, measures achievement motivation in school, workplace, community, and family contexts. Since no scale measures contextual achievement motivation in Turkish literature, the current study is important. Three hundred thirty-six first-year college students participated in the study. According to the CFA analysis, the Turkish form of CAMM has preserved its original structure consisting of 21 items and 4 factors (school, workplace, family, community). The error covariance between items 5 and 11, and 3 and 9 were correlated to improve the model. The reliability coefficient for the overall subscale score was .88 based on Cronbach’s alpha reliability analysis. Measurement invariance analysis indicated that the scale scores were partially invariant for male and female participants. The current study will not only contribute to the studies in the field of achievement motivation in Turkiye but will also help to understand international motivation studies culturally, linguistically, and geographically in the fields of counselling, education, and psychology.