Educational and Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
In various fields, including college admission, medical board certifications, and military recruitment, high-stakes decisions are frequently made based on scores obtained from large-scale assessments. These decisions necessitate precise and reliable scores that enable valid inferences to be drawn about test-takers. However, the ability of such tests to provide reliable, accurate inference on a test-taker’s performance could be jeopardized by aberrant test-taking practices, for instance, practicing real items prior to the test. As a result, it is crucial for administrators of such assessments to develop strategies that detect potential aberrant test-takers after data collection. The aim of this study is to explore the implementation of machine learning methods in combination with multimodal data fusion strategies that integrate bio-information technology, such as eye-tracking, and psychometric measures, including response times and item responses, to detect aberrant test-taking behaviors in technology-assisted remote testing settings.