How a ‘good parent’ decides on childhood vaccination. Demonstrating independence and deliberation during Dutch healthcare visits
Black adolescents’ racial discrimination and suicide behaviors: Testing perceived school safety as a protective moderator
Value‐based health care in translation: From global popularity to primary care for Dutch elderly patients
Longitudinal association of conduct and emotional problems with school exclusion and truancy: A fixed effect analysis of the UK Millennium Cohort Study
The mediating role of religion and loneliness on the association between reminiscence functions and depression: a call to advance older adults’ mental health
Combining Mixed Methods and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches to Identify Neighborhood-Level Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Deep-Structure Attitudes and Reasons Toward Healthy Eating and Self-Rated Diet and Health in Ethnically Diverse U.S.-Hispanics/Latinos
“I Want to Grow Older With Dignity”: Older LGBTQ+ Canadian Adults’ Perceptions and Experiences of Aging
Multi-level protection of rights: India’s Mental Healthcare Act, 2017 and the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Articles 12 and 14)
Mother-father and parent-grandmother coparenting conflict and caregiver involvement in adolescent parent families
Exploring Factors Associated With Resilience and Physical Activity in Older Men and Women Post-Hip Fracture
Psychological and Structural Burdens and Nursing Home Administrator Turnover Intentions During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Distributed rights protection: The 2000 Hague Convention on the International Protection of Adults and the challenge of securing fundamental rights across borders
“We don’t experiment with our patients!” An ethnographic account of the epistemic politics of (re)designing nursing work
Occupation, Literacy, Anthropometric Traits, and Life Expectancy of Italian Men Born 1900–1910: Evidence From Military Conscription Registers
Unmet needs and the effect of healthcare system generosity on prevention activity – A multilevel analysis
Customer Perceptions of Firm Innovativeness and Market Performance: A Nation-Level, Longitudinal, Cross-Industry Examination
An examination of the use and outcomes of readiness assessments, retention policies, and title 1 funding for kindergarten children in the United States
Understanding the contribution of intellectual disabilities nurses. Paper 1 of 4 -Scoping literature review
Exploring Citizen Initiated Contacts and the Role of Local Councilors in Problem Resolution: Evidence From Pakistan
The role of the traditional and digital home literacy environment in Chinese Kindergartners’ language and early literacy
Dietary pattern, physical activity and body composition of Children with and without Down Syndrome – A case control study
“We need to prepare and adjust”: The school readiness beliefs and practices of Korean families with preschool-aged children
Children’s experiences of care on walking and cycling journeys between home and school in Healthy New Towns: Reframing active school travel
“We can’t expect much”: Childbearing women’s ‘horizon of expectations’ of the health system in rural Vietnam
Short report: Effectiveness of a universal preschool-based program for emotional education in 3- to 5-year-old children with autism spectrum conditions
Associations between changes in crime and changes in walking for transport with effect measure modification by gender: A fixed-effects analysis of the multilevel longitudinal HABITAT study (2007–2016)