Can people learn cognitive skills by playing video games at home? In the present study, college students took a pretest consisting of four cognitive tasks and 2 weeks later took a posttest consisting of the same four tasks (i.e., n-back and letter-number tasks tapping executive function skills and mental rotation and multiple object tracking tasks tapping perceptual processing skills). During the 2-week period, students engaged in no game activity, or played designed video games (targeting executive function skills) or an action video game (targeting perceptual processing skills) at home for 6 30-min sessions. The two game groups did not show greater gains than the control group on any of the tasks overall, but the designed game group outperformed the control group on the difficult trials of the n-back task and the action game group outperformed the control group on the difficult trials of the mental rotation tasks. Results provide partial evidence for the specific transfer of general skills theory, and show that the training effects of game playing are focused on skills that are exercised in the game.