Journal of Early Childhood Research, Ahead of Print.
Contextual diversity in early childhood development present challenges and opportunities for holistic child development. This study explored home and parental factors associated with early childhood developmental outcomes in rural communities. Using purposive sampling, 175 families with children aged 0–8 (87 girls and 88 boys) were recruited to participate in the study. Parents responded to home and parenting measures assessing early developmental supports at home. Child developmental outcomes (cognition, alphabet knowledge, receptive language, pattern reasoning, attention, and fine motor skills) for 58 children were assessed. Correlations showed positive associations of home and parent measures with child outcomes except socioeconomic status and receptive language. This study highlights presence of nurturance care and stimulatory behaviors in rural communities that reflect variations in child outcomes. Based on findings, it was recommended that parent empowering programs be embedded in practices of childcare that incorporate local knowledge and materials including ways they foster different aspects of early developmental skills.