International Journal of Social Psychiatry, Ahead of Print.
Background:COVID-19 pandemic has affected all crucial aspects of daily life, including; food security, education, gender relation, mental health, and environmental air pollution, in addition to the impact of the lockdown that had far-reaching effects in different strata of life.Aims:To study the impact of COVID-19 on people with respect to their mental and social suffering and consequences.Methods:This cross sectional study was conducted during the period from November 2020 through August 2021. A sample of 1,000 attendants to four teaching hospitals and eight PHCCs, was collected. The mental and social sequels of COVID-19 were assessed for all participants whether previously infected or not.Results:Out of the total sample (1,000), 389 had a history of infection with COVID-19. The main mental symptoms reported were depression (67.8%), and anxiety (46.9%), males and females equally reported symptoms of anxiety, while depressive symptoms were reported more among females (59.9%), Fear and worries of the participants about their health and their families’ was the main reason for mental symptoms (94.7%).Conclusions:Symptoms of depression and anxiety in time of COVID-19 are prevalent. Suspending educational activities was the most social burden that affect people while increase the price of food and cessation of work were the main causes of economic burden.