Assessment of Outcome-Based Measures of Depression Care Quality in Veterans Health Administration Facilities
How Past Cyber Victimization Affects Bystanders’ Position Taking in Offline Bullying Situations: A Moderated Mediation Model of Self-concept and Social Support
Calls from Boston Schools for Police Psychiatric Emergency Response: A Study of 911 Call Record Data from 2014 to 2018
Does Child Anxiety Exacerbate or Protect Against Parent–Child Relationship Difficulties in Children with Elevated ADHD Symptoms?
Comparison, Competition, and Consumption: The 3Cs of Contemporary Motherhood in the Context of Children’s Education
Identifying Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Patterns and Co-occurrence of Post-Breakup Stalking Among South Korean Men
Need-based rehabilitation program for women with mental illness under long-term admission in a Tertiary Care Hospital: A feasibility study
Using arts-based research in applied health care: An example from an evaluation of NHS dental contract reform in Wales
Ethical reflections on how health professionals should answer the Question: What would you do if this were your family member?
Intimate Partner and Family Violence Among Women Tertiary Students in Australia: Prevalence and Cross-Cultural Differences
Responsibility or Responsibilization in Medical Evidencing of Domestic Violence? The Belgian Case Analyzed Through a Care Ethical Lens
Beyond All Splits: Envisioning the Next Generation of Science on Mindfulness and Compassion in Schools for Students
Intolerance of Uncertainty, Acculturative Stress, Gratitude, and Distress: A Moderated Mediation Model
Differences between Canadian Psychological Association Non-Member and Member Counseling Psychologists
Associations Among Loneliness, Purpose in Life and Subjective Cognitive Decline in Ethnoracially Diverse Older Adults Living in the United States
Analysing data from the psycholinguistic visual-world paradigm: Comparison of different analysis methods
Psychometric properties of sum scores and factor scores differ even when their correlation is 0.98: A response to Widaman and Revelle
The Effects of Loneliness on Depressive Symptoms Among Older Adults During COVID-19: Longitudinal Analyses of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging
Double Jeopardy: Teacher Biases, Racialized Organizations, and the Production of Racial/Ethnic Disparities in School Discipline
An Organizing Framework for Teaching Practices that Can “Expand” the Self and Address Social Identity Concerns
Education-Occupation Linkage in the Highly-Educated Workforce: Patterns and Sources of Difference by Race/Ethnicity
Sociocultural Contexts and Relationships as the Cornerstones of Students’ Motivation: Commentary on the Special Issue on the “Other Half of the Story”
Exploring communicative competence in autistic children who are minimally verbal: The Low Verbal Investigatory Survey for Autism (LVIS)
Autism spectrum disorder among 16- to 30-month-old children in Bangladesh: Observational cross-sectional study