Despite the rapid growth of the mobile game market worldwide, how intrinsic, and extrinsic, motivation factors affect user loyalty and in-game purchase intention across genders remains unknown. To address this research gap, this cross-sectional study examined the antecedents of loyalty and in-game purchase intention through the theoretical lens of the motivation theory and investigated the gender effects in the Chinese mobile game environment. Using a survey method, this study collected data from 605 experienced players of King of Glory in China. In addition, the proposed research model was examined by the partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Our findings reveal that perceived playfulness, a competitive price, and virtual rewards, significantly affect user mobile game loyalty and in-game purchase intention. We confirmed the moderating effects of gender on the relationship between motivational factors and mobile game loyalty, offering a better understanding of how males and females vary in the development of mobile game loyalty. Our findings offer valuable insights for mobile game practitioners to develop more effective design and strategies for motivating user loyalty and in-game purchases.