Following the requirement of face coverings across multiple settings, there has been an emergence of stories around the challenges faced by those with a previous experience of trauma, with their use being a trigger to previous experiences due to their sensory links to previous trauma.
Through the sharing of experiences, this paper seeks to provide an understanding of how trauma, in‐particular the experience of inter‐personal trauma can impact upon the wearing of face coverings, and offers techniques to support their use.
Through the introduction of the window of tolerance, and the sharing of first person narratives we provide a means of alleviating the trauma reaction through the application of skills in the form of grounding techniques.
To address the limitations of this paper, whilst recognising its importance and ongoing relevance, we recommend that this is an area that would benefit from further research.
As the pandemic persists the use of face coverings will continue, making this an important topic for mental health services and practitioners to consider for those accessing services and wider social, occupational and educational settings.