What is known on the subject
Autoethnographic methods can explore key learning experiences and significant occurrences over a particular lifespan. In this paper the author has explored and employed these methods to examine the constructs of the self and how such learning may enrich the lifespan of a trainee counsellor.
What the paper adds to existing knowledge
These findings will add to the research literature in the field that is limited in relation to identity formation, impact of education on learners and men becoming therapists.
Key themes emerged, “He’s a sensitive boy”‐ learning to hide, help through others – I can learn and re‐construction ‐ restoration and healing.
What are the implications for practice
Despite the introspective nature of autoethnography, findings from this narrative have a bearing on the importance of inter‐dependant relationships and support and how they can impact on learning and how people are viewed and labelled by communities and societies. These findings also illuminate the understanding of the construction and re construction of the self and informs how a person, in therapy can rebuild their lives by considering more than the negative narratives about themselves?