Music therapy can decrease illness- and treatment-related symptoms for adults in medical settings. In these environments, service users often decide to accept or decline music therapy after a brief introduction by the music therapist. As there is limited literature exploring the challenges related to these introductions, the purpose of this interpretivist study was to describe how music therapists introduce music therapy in the form of patient-preferred live music (MT-PPLM) in adult medical settings to augment the likelihood of patients accepting treatment. We conducted semi-structured interviews with nine participants who had experience providing MT-PPLM in adult medical settings. In this exploratory interpretivist study, we used an inductive approach to thematic analysis and incorporated member-checking to augment trustworthiness and credibility of the results. We identified three themes (supported by eight subthemes depicted in parentheses): (A) Offer patient a unique interaction through verbal and nonverbal techniques (Provide opportunities for patient control; Engage patient through nonmedical dialogue; and Use affect and body language to convey a different demeanor); (B) Clarify expectations related to patient and session (Avoid the word “therapy”; Use the music to explain the intervention; and Mention clinical benefits to describe what the patient can expect from the session); and (C) Respond to patient’s verbal and nonverbal communication (Assess patient and adapt introduction; and Validate patient’s response). The findings offer introductory techniques for music therapists that may increase the likelihood of adults in medical settings accepting MT-PPLM. Implications for clinical practice, ethical considerations, limitations, and suggestions for future research are provided.