The use of interprofessional health profession education and training (IPE) has been repeatedly identified as a means for developing greater integration and more effective health care. This paper advocates for greater IPE for telebehavioral health care professionals during graduate school, supervised experience, and independent practice. The authors propose that this can be achieved by using the recently developed interprofessional telebehavioral (TBH) competencies as a framework to organize and provide TBH education and training. Major identified barriers to IPE for TBH include professional centrism, exclusive education and training experiences, and lack of experience and training in interdisciplinary TBH teams. Proposed alternatives to promote IPE TBH include increased collaboration in educational experiences across disciplines, use of inclusive TBH training models and rotations for skills and attitudes, development of IPE TBH teams with an emphasis on competencies, and linking TBH institutional infrastructure across organizations and professions.