Diagnosis of perinatal anomalies is a stressful experience that can negatively affect mothers, families, health-care systems, and societies. Perinatal palliative care (PPC) is a new development in maternity services which focuses on emotional, spiritual, social, and symptom management and provides care for women and families with fetal anomaly diagnosis. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a service package for women with fetal anomaly diagnosis in socio-cultural context of Iran.
This research is an exploratory mixed methods study with the qualitative-quantitative sequencing design that consists of four sequential phases. In the first phase, following a qualitative approach, the researcher will explore the needs and experiences of women with fetal anomaly diagnosis, their families, health care providers and policy-makers. At the second phase, based on the review of the literature, Program, guideline, service package and protocol for care of women and their families after perinatal anomaly diagnosis will be identified in other countries. In the third phase, recommendations from qualitative phase and literature review will be combined, the initial protocol of the palliative care service package for perinatal anomaly diagnosis will be identified and prioritized. In the fourth phase, the opinion of experts about this service package will be collected by using RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method technique and the applicability of the service package’s recommendations in clinical settings will be determined.
The results of this Mixed Methods study are expected response the needs and experiences of the women with perinatal anomaly diagnosis being met in the socio-cultural context of Iran and a service package for palliative care of these women developed.