Assessment for Effective Intervention, Ahead of Print.
Although national legislation and policy call for the use of student assessment data to support instruction, evidence suggests that teachers lack the knowledge and skills required to effectively use data. Previous studies have demonstrated the potential of training for increasing immediate teacher outcomes (i.e., knowledge, skills, and beliefs), yet research is still needed that investigates whether these immediate learning outcomes correspond to improved practices in reading and math instruction. Using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey: Kindergarten (2011), the present study sought to investigate whether data-focused training predicted teacher use of data for four prevalent decision-making outcomes: monitor progress on specific skills, identify skill deficits, monitor overall progress of students performing below benchmark, and determine placement in instructional tiers. Results indicate that professional development to use data to identify struggling learners and coursework focused on the use of assessment to select interventions and supports significantly predicted teachers’ frequent use of data across key decision-making dimensions in reading instruction. Results for math instruction differ in that more frequent data use was not consistent across outcomes, more training sessions were needed, and professional development to use data to guide instruction significantly predicted use of data to monitor students who performed below benchmark.