Disasters exacerbate predisaster inequities and intensify the vulnerability of women and other marginalized and disempowered groups. Thus, disaster policies and responses should incorporate the experiences and perspectives of those who are marginalized. The authors sought to conduct a participatory research project to help develop more inclusive, gender-informed disaster responses and policies in Japan. In June 2011, following three months of planning and preparation, they initiated a participatory examination of the impact of the Great East Japan Disaster using PhotoVoice methodology. Engaging the very women affected by the calamity, the authors first implemented the project in three localities in the hardest-hit areas of northern Japan—the prefectures of Fukushima, Miyagi, and Iwate. The authors have since expanded the project to other locations, and the project is ongoing. Focused on the planning, implementation, and outcomes of the initial phase, this article examines the role and potential of participatory action research using the PhotoVoice methodology in the aftermath of a major disaster.