The literature on the development of ethnic identity within the young adult years and during childhood is plentiful. There
is less research that examines how this development continues beyond young adult or college years. Research suggests that
major life events experienced in adulthood could cause individuals to enter a period of identity reconstruction, yet little
is known about this process. Because family and/or familism has been established as an important aspect of Latinos’ identities
and lived experiences, this study seeks to examine the dimensions around family dynamics and their potential influences on
ethnic identity development processes among adult Latinas. Findings indicate that Latinas often make sense of their ethnic
identity when major life events associated with family dynamics occur; such as marriage, childbearing, and negotiating relationships
with family members as culture is being transmitted across several generations. These findings have implications for understanding
adult education students as well as considering the influence of education on the family dynamics of Latinas.
is less research that examines how this development continues beyond young adult or college years. Research suggests that
major life events experienced in adulthood could cause individuals to enter a period of identity reconstruction, yet little
is known about this process. Because family and/or familism has been established as an important aspect of Latinos’ identities
and lived experiences, this study seeks to examine the dimensions around family dynamics and their potential influences on
ethnic identity development processes among adult Latinas. Findings indicate that Latinas often make sense of their ethnic
identity when major life events associated with family dynamics occur; such as marriage, childbearing, and negotiating relationships
with family members as culture is being transmitted across several generations. These findings have implications for understanding
adult education students as well as considering the influence of education on the family dynamics of Latinas.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-11
- DOI 10.1007/s10804-012-9146-2
- Authors
- Sylvia Martinez, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Indiana University, Education 4260, 201 N. Rose Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
- Vasti Torres, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Indiana University, Education 4252, 201 N. Rose Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
- Lisa Wallace White, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Indiana University, Education 4260, 201 N. Rose Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
- Christianne I. Medrano, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Indiana University, Education 4260, 201 N. Rose Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
- Andrea L. Robledo, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Indiana University, Education 4260, 201 N. Rose Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
- Ebelia Hernandez, Rutgers University, 10 Seminary Place, Room 309, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA
- Journal Journal of Adult Development
- Online ISSN 1573-3440
- Print ISSN 1068-0667