Using yearly state-level data drawn from a variety of different sources and a pooled cross-sectional time-series research
design, we examine whether conjugal visitation attenuates sexual violence in prison. The determination of whether sexual violence
in prison is less apt to transpire in states that allow conjugal visitation is theoretically relevant. Feminist theory argues
that conjugal visitation has little if any influence on the occurrence of rape and other sexual offenses in prison, notwithstanding
the gender of the offender and victim, because such offenses are crimes of power that are employed by the offender as an instrument
to dominate and humiliate the victim. On the other hand, sexual gratification theory postulates that conjugal visitation provides
inmates with a means of sexual release. Therefore, conjugal visitation should reduce sexual offending in prison. Results support
sexual gratification theory by showing that states permitting conjugal visitation have significantly fewer instances of reported
rape and other sexual offenses in their prisons. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.
design, we examine whether conjugal visitation attenuates sexual violence in prison. The determination of whether sexual violence
in prison is less apt to transpire in states that allow conjugal visitation is theoretically relevant. Feminist theory argues
that conjugal visitation has little if any influence on the occurrence of rape and other sexual offenses in prison, notwithstanding
the gender of the offender and victim, because such offenses are crimes of power that are employed by the offender as an instrument
to dominate and humiliate the victim. On the other hand, sexual gratification theory postulates that conjugal visitation provides
inmates with a means of sexual release. Therefore, conjugal visitation should reduce sexual offending in prison. Results support
sexual gratification theory by showing that states permitting conjugal visitation have significantly fewer instances of reported
rape and other sexual offenses in their prisons. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-14
- DOI 10.1007/s12103-012-9155-5
- Authors
- Stewart J. D’Alessio, Department of Criminal Justice, Florida International University, 11200 SW 8th Street, PCA-263B, Miami, FL 33199, USA
- Jamie Flexon, Department of Criminal Justice, Florida International University, 11200 SW 8th Street, PCA-366A, Miami, FL 33199, USA
- Lisa Stolzenberg, Department of Criminal Justice, Florida International University, 11200 SW 8th Street, PCA-253A, Miami, FL 33199, USA
- Journal American Journal of Criminal Justice
- Online ISSN 1936-1351
- Print ISSN 1066-2316