The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between sleep disturbances and gambling behavior. Data from the
National Comorbidity Survey—Replication (NCS-R) was used to examine the relationship between three specific sleep complaints
(difficulty initiating sleep [DIS], difficulty maintaining sleep [DMS], and early morning awakening [EMA]) and gambling behavior.
Bivariate logistic regression models were used to control for potentially confounding psychiatric disorders and age. Almost
half of respondents with problem gambling behavior (45.9%) and two thirds (67.7%) of respondents with pathological gambling
behavior reported at least one sleep compliant. Compared to respondents with no gambling pathology, respondents with pathological
gambling were significantly more likely to report at least one sleep complaint (Adjusted Odds Ratio [AOR] = 3.444, 95% CI = 1.538–7.713),
to report all sleep complaints (AOR = 3.449, 95% CI = 1.503–7.914), and to report any individual complaint (DIS: OR = 2.300,
95% CI = 1.069–4.946; DMS: AOR = 4.604, 95% CI = 2.093–10.129; EMA: AOR = 3.968, 95% CI = 1.856–8.481). The relationship between
problem gambling and sleep complaints were more modest (any sleep complaint: AOR = 1.794, 95% CI = 1.142–2.818; all three
sleep complaints: AOR = 2.144, 95% CI = 1.169–3.931; DIS: AOR = 1.961, 95% CI = 1.204–3.194; DMS: AOR = 1.551, 95% CI = 0.951–2.529;
EMA: AOR = 1.796, 95% CI = 1.099–2.935). Given the individual and societal ramifications linked with the presence of sleep
problems, this study presents another health-related repercussion associated with gambling pathology rarely discussed in the
National Comorbidity Survey—Replication (NCS-R) was used to examine the relationship between three specific sleep complaints
(difficulty initiating sleep [DIS], difficulty maintaining sleep [DMS], and early morning awakening [EMA]) and gambling behavior.
Bivariate logistic regression models were used to control for potentially confounding psychiatric disorders and age. Almost
half of respondents with problem gambling behavior (45.9%) and two thirds (67.7%) of respondents with pathological gambling
behavior reported at least one sleep compliant. Compared to respondents with no gambling pathology, respondents with pathological
gambling were significantly more likely to report at least one sleep complaint (Adjusted Odds Ratio [AOR] = 3.444, 95% CI = 1.538–7.713),
to report all sleep complaints (AOR = 3.449, 95% CI = 1.503–7.914), and to report any individual complaint (DIS: OR = 2.300,
95% CI = 1.069–4.946; DMS: AOR = 4.604, 95% CI = 2.093–10.129; EMA: AOR = 3.968, 95% CI = 1.856–8.481). The relationship between
problem gambling and sleep complaints were more modest (any sleep complaint: AOR = 1.794, 95% CI = 1.142–2.818; all three
sleep complaints: AOR = 2.144, 95% CI = 1.169–3.931; DIS: AOR = 1.961, 95% CI = 1.204–3.194; DMS: AOR = 1.551, 95% CI = 0.951–2.529;
EMA: AOR = 1.796, 95% CI = 1.099–2.935). Given the individual and societal ramifications linked with the presence of sleep
problems, this study presents another health-related repercussion associated with gambling pathology rarely discussed in the
- Content Type Journal Article
- Category Original Paper
- Pages 1-13
- DOI 10.1007/s10899-012-9299-8
- Authors
- Iman Parhami, UCLA Gambling Studies, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, 760 Westwood Plaza, Mailcode 175919, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
- Aaron Siani, UCLA Gambling Studies, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, 760 Westwood Plaza, Mailcode 175919, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
- Richard J. Rosenthal, UCLA Gambling Studies, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, 760 Westwood Plaza, Mailcode 175919, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
- Timothy W. Fong, UCLA Gambling Studies, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, 760 Westwood Plaza, Mailcode 175919, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
- Journal Journal of Gambling Studies
- Online ISSN 1573-3602
- Print ISSN 1050-5350