As a leading measure of journal quality, acceptance rates of journals can influence faculty recruitment, salary, tenure and
promotion decisions; subscription decisions; and authors’ intention to submit manuscripts. Recent literature from both the
Communication and Hospitality Management disciplines suggests that there are wide differences in the formulas used by editors
to calculate acceptance rates. Because differing methods of acceptance rate calculation potentially impact significant decisions,
a universally accepted and applied standard could be developed. A normative standard, grounded in a specific core ethical
principle, is generally preferable to a nonfoundational approach. Two primary approaches to the study of ethics have prevailed
through time, teleological ethics with a focus on consequences as represented by Mill’s Utilitarian ideals and deontological
ethics with a focus on duty as represented by Kant’s Categorical Imperative. This analysis applies these two ethical frameworks,
utility and duty, to the journal editors’ dilemma of finding a common, normative method to calculate acceptance rates.
promotion decisions; subscription decisions; and authors’ intention to submit manuscripts. Recent literature from both the
Communication and Hospitality Management disciplines suggests that there are wide differences in the formulas used by editors
to calculate acceptance rates. Because differing methods of acceptance rate calculation potentially impact significant decisions,
a universally accepted and applied standard could be developed. A normative standard, grounded in a specific core ethical
principle, is generally preferable to a nonfoundational approach. Two primary approaches to the study of ethics have prevailed
through time, teleological ethics with a focus on consequences as represented by Mill’s Utilitarian ideals and deontological
ethics with a focus on duty as represented by Kant’s Categorical Imperative. This analysis applies these two ethical frameworks,
utility and duty, to the journal editors’ dilemma of finding a common, normative method to calculate acceptance rates.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-9
- DOI 10.1007/s10805-012-9158-3
- Authors
- Maria A. Moore, School of Communication, Illinois State University, Campus Box 4480, Normal, 617904480 USA
- Stephen D. Perry, School of Communication, Illinois State University, Campus Box 4480, Normal, 617904480 USA
- Journal Journal of Academic Ethics
- Online ISSN 1572-8544
- Print ISSN 1570-1727