We explore the role of social networks used by people with disabilities for finding employment. In addition, we outline obstacles
to network building for those with a disability. We contend that this group is often constrained and they underutilize their
networks during job searches. Both factors are likely to result in negative employment outcomes and contribute to the employment
gap between those with and without a disability. We outline how key network characteristics such as homophily, tie strength,
and centrality influence job search outcomes for those with a disability differently than for those without a disability.
Furthermore, we propose that although individuals with disabilities develop and rely upon networks that are comprised of close
bonds with similar individuals that are either unemployed or underemployed in lower status positions, optimal networks for
employment purposes should consist of diverse acquaintances that occupy central positions and higher status jobs within organizations.
Finally, we outline propositions to guide future research on this neglected topic and also suggest practical implications.
to network building for those with a disability. We contend that this group is often constrained and they underutilize their
networks during job searches. Both factors are likely to result in negative employment outcomes and contribute to the employment
gap between those with and without a disability. We outline how key network characteristics such as homophily, tie strength,
and centrality influence job search outcomes for those with a disability differently than for those without a disability.
Furthermore, we propose that although individuals with disabilities develop and rely upon networks that are comprised of close
bonds with similar individuals that are either unemployed or underemployed in lower status positions, optimal networks for
employment purposes should consist of diverse acquaintances that occupy central positions and higher status jobs within organizations.
Finally, we outline propositions to guide future research on this neglected topic and also suggest practical implications.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-16
- DOI 10.1007/s10672-012-9194-6
- Authors
- Christopher R. Langford, Department of Management, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA
- Mark L. Lengnick-Hall, Department of Management, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA
- Mukta Kulkarni, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bangalore, India
- Journal Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal
- Online ISSN 1573-3378
- Print ISSN 0892-7545