Nearly half a million United States residents identify themselves as being of Iranian origin, and many in this population
are of high socioeconomic status. Although games of chance have been a notable part of Iranian culture for thousands of years,
there is almost no research exploring gambling in this population. The objective of this case study is to explore gambling
pathology, gambling behavior, and gambling motives among Iranian-Americans using a convenience sample (N = 182) at a September 2010 Iranian festival in Southern California. Of this sample, 20% (n = 37) and 7% (n = 13) screened positive for problem and pathological gambling, respectively. According to the Gambling Motives Questionnaire,
enhancement was the preferred motive for gambling (“because you like the feeling, because it’s exciting, to get a high feeling,
because it’s fun, because it makes you feel good”). Pathological gamblers showed a considerable difference in subscale scores
between enhancement and either coping or social motives, and problem gamblers showed a considerable difference between enhancement
and coping motives. Possible explanations for the higher prevalence of gambling disorders in this sample are discussed. Our
results support the notion that underlying cultural factors play a role in the development of gambling disorders.
are of high socioeconomic status. Although games of chance have been a notable part of Iranian culture for thousands of years,
there is almost no research exploring gambling in this population. The objective of this case study is to explore gambling
pathology, gambling behavior, and gambling motives among Iranian-Americans using a convenience sample (N = 182) at a September 2010 Iranian festival in Southern California. Of this sample, 20% (n = 37) and 7% (n = 13) screened positive for problem and pathological gambling, respectively. According to the Gambling Motives Questionnaire,
enhancement was the preferred motive for gambling (“because you like the feeling, because it’s exciting, to get a high feeling,
because it’s fun, because it makes you feel good”). Pathological gamblers showed a considerable difference in subscale scores
between enhancement and either coping or social motives, and problem gamblers showed a considerable difference between enhancement
and coping motives. Possible explanations for the higher prevalence of gambling disorders in this sample are discussed. Our
results support the notion that underlying cultural factors play a role in the development of gambling disorders.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-12
- DOI 10.1007/s11469-011-9372-z
- Authors
- Iman Parhami, UCLA Gambling Studies Program, 760 Westwood Plaza, Mailcode: 175919, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
- Aaron Siani, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California—Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Michael D. Campos, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California—Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Richard J. Rosenthal, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California—Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Timothy W. Fong, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California—Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- UCLA Gambling Studies Program
- Journal International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
- Online ISSN 1557-1882
- Print ISSN 1557-1874