There is a dearth of research looking at how autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and IQ scores impact social skills. The present
study aimed to extend the literature in this area by evaluating how ASD and IQ scores are related to ratings on a measure
of appropriate and inappropriate social skills. Children without ASD and children with ASD participated in this study. Adaptive
and maladaptive social skills were assessed with the Matson Evaluation of Social Skills for Youngsters-II (MESSY-II). Correlational and multiple regression analyses were then conducted. ASD diagnosis significantly predicted both adaptive/appropriate
and hostile/inappropriate social skills. Children with ASD tended to have lower scores on the measure of adaptive/appropriate
social skills, while displaying higher scores on the measure of hostile/inappropriate social skills. Children with higher
IQ scores tended to have higher scores on the measure of adaptive/appropriate social skills. The implications of these findings
are discussed.
study aimed to extend the literature in this area by evaluating how ASD and IQ scores are related to ratings on a measure
of appropriate and inappropriate social skills. Children without ASD and children with ASD participated in this study. Adaptive
and maladaptive social skills were assessed with the Matson Evaluation of Social Skills for Youngsters-II (MESSY-II). Correlational and multiple regression analyses were then conducted. ASD diagnosis significantly predicted both adaptive/appropriate
and hostile/inappropriate social skills. Children with ASD tended to have lower scores on the measure of adaptive/appropriate
social skills, while displaying higher scores on the measure of hostile/inappropriate social skills. Children with higher
IQ scores tended to have higher scores on the measure of adaptive/appropriate social skills. The implications of these findings
are discussed.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-9
- DOI 10.1007/s10882-012-9292-2
- Authors
- Kim Tureck, Department of Psychology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
- Johnny L. Matson, Department of Psychology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
- Journal Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
- Online ISSN 1573-3580
- Print ISSN 1056-263X