This study investigates the relation between leisure activities and the social status of the elderly based on a heterogeneous
sample of the Dutch population. Close relationships are also analyzed to identify which people could serve as successful stimulators
of leisure participation. The social profile confirms that older people have fewer social contacts and often feel lonely.
This study shows that leisure activities explain a significant part of older people’s social connectedness. Voluntary work,
cultural activities, holiday, sports, reading books, hobbies and shopping are found to be successful predictors for social
connectedness of older people. Watching TV, listening to the radio, and spending time behind the computer (passive activities)
were not associated with social connectedness. Friends correlate positively to participation in leisure activities. Partners
play a role in participation in cultural activities and sports; parents play a role in participation in voluntary work and
holidays; siblings play a role in voluntary work and sports; and children play a role in cultural activities, reading books,
and shopping. Local communities can use these close relationships and develop special programs to increase social connectedness
and hence improve quality of life for older adults.
sample of the Dutch population. Close relationships are also analyzed to identify which people could serve as successful stimulators
of leisure participation. The social profile confirms that older people have fewer social contacts and often feel lonely.
This study shows that leisure activities explain a significant part of older people’s social connectedness. Voluntary work,
cultural activities, holiday, sports, reading books, hobbies and shopping are found to be successful predictors for social
connectedness of older people. Watching TV, listening to the radio, and spending time behind the computer (passive activities)
were not associated with social connectedness. Friends correlate positively to participation in leisure activities. Partners
play a role in participation in cultural activities and sports; parents play a role in participation in voluntary work and
holidays; siblings play a role in voluntary work and sports; and children play a role in cultural activities, reading books,
and shopping. Local communities can use these close relationships and develop special programs to increase social connectedness
and hence improve quality of life for older adults.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-18
- DOI 10.1007/s11205-012-0097-6
- Authors
- Vera Toepoel, Department of Leisure Studies, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Tilburg University, P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands
- Journal Social Indicators Research
- Online ISSN 1573-0921
- Print ISSN 0303-8300